Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Wide-angle 3rd Place - Pietro Cremone

Setiap musim semi Universitas Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science menyelengarakan lomba foto bawah air untuk para fotografer amatir. Awalnya pada tahun 2005, lomba ini hanya diikuti oleh sedikit peserta, namun seiring berjalannya waktu, lomba ini kini diikuti oleh lebih dari 700 peserta dari seluruh dunia.

Lomba yang telah berjalan 9 kali ini mempertandingkan 5 kategori, yaitu: Fish or Marine Animal Potrait, Makro, Pelajar, Wide Angle, dan Utama. Hasil foto pemenang akan ditampilkan dalam sesi kuliah berjudul Rosenstiel School’s Sea Secrets dan akan dipajang dalam pameran pariwisata di kota setempat.


Pemenang Utama

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Best Overall - Kyle McBurnie

Kyle McBurnie, California

“Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) in a kelp forest at Cortes bank, near San Diego, CA.”

Pemenang Pilihan Pemirsa

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Fan Favorite - Pietro Cremone

Pietro Cremone, Italy

“Mating Mandarin dragonets (Synchiropus splendidus) photographed in Puerto Galera, Philippines.”

Pemenang Kategori Fish or Marine Portrait

1. Juara Pertama

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Fish or  Marine Animal Portrait 1st Place - Steven Kovacs

Steven Kovacs, Florida

“A juvenile lionfish during a night dive in Roatan, Honduras.”

2. Juara Kedua

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Fish or Marine Animal Portrait 2nd Place - Marcello Di Francesco

Marcello DiFrancesco, Italy

“The greater blue-ringed octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata) near Malapascua island, Philippines.”

3. Juara Ketiga

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Fish or Marine Animal Portrait 3rd Place - Judy Townsend

Judy Townsend, Florida

“A male Dusky Jawfish with his clutch of eggs at the Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, Florida.”

Pemenang Kategori Makro

1. Juara Pertama

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Macro 1st Place - Beth Watson

Beth Watson, Missouri

“An anemone shrimp in Puerto Galera, Philippines.”

2. Juara Kedua

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Macro 2nd Place - Douglas Good

Douglas Good, Pennsylvania

“An emperor shrimp (Periclimenes imperator) on two nudibranches (Risbecia tryoni) at Dinah’s Beach, Papua New Guinea.”

3. Juara Ketiga

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Macro 3rd Place - Frederica Bambi

Frederica Bambi, Italy

“A porcelain crab (Neopetrolisthes maculatus) on an anemone at Pescador Island, Cebu, Philippines.”

Pemenang Kategori Pelajar

1. Juara Pertama

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Best Student Entry - Laura Rock

Laura Rock, Florida

“Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) during the annual spawning event in Jupiter, FL.”

2. Juara Kedua

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Student 2nd Place - Laura Rock

Laura Rock, Florida

“Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) in Bimini, Bahamas.”

3. Juara Ketiga

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Student 3rd Place - Austin Gallagher

Austin Gallagher, Florida

“Oceanic white tip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) near Cat Island, Bahamas.”

Pemenang Kategori Wide Angle

1. Juara Pertama

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Wide-angle 1st Place - Alex Tattersall

Alex Tattersall, United Kingdom

“A lionfish on the Thistlegorm wreck in the Red Sea, Egypt.”

2. Juara Kedua

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Wide-angle 2nd Place - Joseph Tepper

Joseph Tepper, New York

“Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) in a small inlet off the Kona coast, Hawaii.”

3. Juara Ketiga

Miami Underwater Photo Contest - Wide-angle 3rd Place - Pietro Cremone

Pietro Cremone, Italy

“Raccoon butterfly fish and angelfish on a reef in the Red Sea, near Sharm el Sheik, Egypt.”


Via: Amusing Planet, Rosenstiel School